Excellent knowledge of the various regulations related to wetlands issues is one of the reasons that Russell & Associates is able to keep projects moving forward, while adequately addressing the needs of the regulatory agencies.
Mr. Russell has extensive training in the various disciplines related to wetlands. Although his education specialized in soils science, he has participated in several courses and workshops on wetlands related topics including: botany, hydrology, soils morphology, identifying hydric soils, wetlands mitigation design, wetlands delineation, stream and river dynamics, and environmental law.
Mr. Russell has over 7 years of experience addressing wildlife in relation to local and state ordinances, and the federal Endangered Species Act. He has performed extensive field work throughout Western Washington, evaluating projects in relation to various species of wildlife including: nesting and wintering bald eagles, northern spotted owls, marbled murrelets, Canada lynx, bull trout, Olympic mudminnows, and various salmonid fish species. He has written numerous biological assessments based on this field work, and is highly successful at addressing the concerns of NOAA Fisheries, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Mr. Russell has been the lead biologist on several projects which went through the Section 7 formal consultation process with both lead review agencies.
Experience in evaluating potential impacts from various types of projects, including: large housing plats, bridge replacement projects, highway widening projects, and gravel mining operations, gives him a valuable perspective on a particular project. Mr. Russell also has experience designing projects to mitigate impacts to fish due to a loss or reduction of habitat.
Mr. Russell’s education and training related to wildlife work includes: Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation, fish passage design, culvert design, raptor/prey relationships, and riparian corridor restoration.
Onsite Sewage System Design
Mr. Russell is a licensed Washington State onsite wastewater treatment systems designer, with over 6 years experience in sewage system design. Russell & Associates focuses design work mainly in Thurston and Pierce counties. Mr. Russell is well regarded as a qualified soils specialist, and is experienced in all types of treatment system design, including large onsite systems, above ground systems, plats, and designs for sites with challenging constraints (wetlands, steep slopes, waterfront properties).